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Bryan College Dual Enrollment Square.png

Enrollment will be open from May 1 to Aug. 1.
Register for the class first, then pay the dual enrollment fee during the enrollment period. No students can be added after Aug. 1.

Dual enrollment is an add-on to Paint Your Way through Art History. You pay tuition PLUS the DE fee of $200.

Please read all the information and follow the instructions:


1. Pay for Paint Your Way Through Art History (full year or spring semester).

2. Pay the $200 Dual Enrollment Fee (above-red button).

3. In your confirmation email use the link to REGISTER.

You must click that link and register by the deadline or your $200 payment will be refunded.

Check your junk folder for the email. If you don't see one, email

You may do dual enrollment in either fall semester or spring semester, or both.

Important dates to remember:

Spring Semester Deadline: Dec. 1

Fall Semester Deadline: Aug. 1

NOTE: You do not need to apply to Bryan College directly, you only need to pay the fee at the red link above and then follow the link in the email you receive. If you receive an email directly from Bryan College's admissions department, you do not need to reply. We have a special group registration, so you do not need to go through Bryan's normal dual enrollment application process.

Dual Enrollment is an additional fee of $200 per semester

In addition to the tuition for "Paint Your Way Through Art History."



Dual Enrollment with Bryan College is open to high school students who are homeschooled sophomores, juniors, or seniors.

         Sophomores must have at least a 3.5 high school GPA.

         Juniors and seniors must have at least a 3.0 high school GPA.

Note: Dual Enrollment is available to students in all states, EXCEPT CALIFORNIA. (California doesn't allow out-of-state college credit delivery to their residents.) All other states have signed a "reciprocity agreement" so they can offer education between states. California is the only non-participating state. (Sorry, CA friends.)


Students are limited to 12 semester hours through Bryan College during the regular fall and spring semesters. (Paint Your Way Through Art History is a 2 credit hour course.)

Here's how:

1. Pay for Paint Your Way Through Art History (either full year or one semester)

2. Pay the Dual Enrollment Fee of $200 

3. Register with Bryan College by clicking the link when it arrives by email upon paying the fee. You'll receive a link to the Bryan College Registration form via email. (One of the questions will be "What class?" you must be able to answer, "sophomore, junior, senior," in high school.)

It is your responsibility to complete the Registration Form by the deadline. If you don't complete the form by the deadline, you will not be enrolled neither the DE fee nor the class tuition will be refunded. No exceptions.

You would receive 2 credit hours per semester listed as:

FA 101 - Exploring Art History I



FA 102 - Exploring Art History II 

Each semester is handled separately. You can do one or both. You do not have to do the fall semester first. 

Students must attend the live class. The classes are recorded and can be used if the student must occastionally miss a class. Three absences per semester is the maximum allowed.

Dual enrolled students turn in a video that shows all their work by the last day of class. Work is graded by Courtney Sanford and submitted to Bryan College. You receive a transcript from Bryan College showing 2 Fine Arts credit hours per semester upon request. (Students should contact Bryan College and request that a transcript to be sent to their attending college after being accepted.)

Note: Bryan College is an accredited college, so the credit should be transferrable to any college or university, but it is up to that college whether and how the credits will transfer. Each state has authorizing bodies which set the laws for how their residents can (or can't) participate in out-of-state educational programs.


Note: Bryan College is not authorized to offer dual enrollment to students who live in California. 

Payment will be made to Delightful Art Co. who remits payment to Bryan College.


For the fine arts dual enrollment, students will make a video to show me their artwork. That will be due the last week of class. (I’ll give them lots of info and guidance on how to do it in class.)

Their artwork will be graded and the grade will be sent to Bryan College and to the student. (Details on grading is on the bottom of the Syllabus.)

Dual enrolled students will need to complete each project as they go. I really encourage them to finish one before the next class…so if they can plan an extra art session during the week, they’ll be fine. (If they put one off and catch up later, it’s not a big deal, but if they put them all off, that will be too much to do the night before the portfolio is due.) Students who don’t do dual enrollment aren’t under any pressure to finish…they sometimes finish some projects over Christmas break. 


Yes, you may watch a recorded class if you miss a class, but you must attend the live class in order to get the Dual Enrollment credit. If you miss more than 3 classes, you will receive an "Incomplete" on the transcript.


Once you've been accepted to a college, click this link to have your transcript sent to them: 

If, in the future, you decide to attend Bryan College:

Bryan College is offering $500/year scholarships to Paint Your Way Through Art History students whether they've participated in the dual enrollment program or not. Send your Certificate of Completion to your admissions counselor. (Email if you need a certificate of completion.)


Delightful Art Co.

Online Art School for ages 7 to Adult

Copyright 2024 Delightful Art Co.

All Rights Reserved

Our mission is to be a light in the world of art through arts-integrated online classes, curriculum, and retreats for homeschoolers.

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

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