Art that Enhances your CC Experience
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Did you know that art is a way to know God and make him known? Since our God is a creator God, we're created in his image to be creators, too, and when we create, it can be a way to commune with God. Our completed work can be an invitation to others to commune with God.
After being a part of Classical Conversations for 16 years and graduating 3 kids out of Challenge IV, I've developed a classical, Christian approach to art education that enhances your CC experience. (You might recognize my name from "Marvelous to Behold", Leigh's books, and CC articles, but I also wrote and illustrated the PreScripts Cursive Writing and Drawing Series and the Essentials Trivium Tables.)
In Delightful art classes, students delve deeper into an academic subject as they create their own, unique illustrated book about that subject. An enthusiastic artist will help students see the beauty in that subject, demonstrate art skills, give inspiring project ideas, and point students to the creator of beauty, our Heavenly Father.
Paint Your Way Through Art History, was created to expand on the art studied in Challenge II and help explain Francis Schaeffer's ideas on Christianity and culture. I now offer a full art curriculum for second grade to adults including art books, self-paced classes, and art retreats. Use our classes to match with CC or to fill a gap.
Getting to the point where we're communing with God and creating work that draws others to God takes some skills-- skills built through practice. Join one of the classes to start that practice, build skills, and work towards making a creative practice that enables you to know God and make Him known. We're here to support you in that process!
-Courtney Sanford
Classical Educator, Artist, Author, Entrepreneur
NEW The Art of Ancient History is now available. It's a great companion to Cycle 1 Foundations! You can use the book at home on your own or join the online class to do the projects with an artist. A Cycle 2 companion is in the works and will be available in the summer of 2025.

The following classes will match what your student is doing in CC so you can integrate art without adding art as a separate subject.
Geo Art Adventures The oceans and continents' animals and biomes
Cycle-Specific History Ancient, Middle Ages, or American
Science class which includes cycle 1 and cycle 2 science topics.
Latin will beef up sixth grade and give them a head-start on their Latin studies (and make it loveable)
Challenge A and B
Latin + Art makes Latin loveable and reinforces the Henle grammar - do this in A or B
Science matches up with Astronomy in B
Challenge I
Biology matches Apologia Biology, so you could get ahead by doing Biology early
Art History - get ahead in Western Cultural History, the debate strand
Challenge II:
Art History matches Western Cultural History,
Biology matches Apologia Biology
Challenge III:
Art History coordinates with the philosophy strand,
Great Books includes Shakespeare, Out of the Silent Planet and The Hobbit.
Poetry adds a chronological survey of poetry to their poetry study
Challenge IV:
Great Books matches with their literature strand with the Odyssey, and
Bible Journaling matches with their Theology strand.
CC is a full program, but if you want to fill a hole such as nature journaling or fables or add a special interest like marine biology or poetry, check out these classes:
Foundations Age Students:
Add Fables for more drawing practice and fuel their moral imagination
Add Nature Journaling to learn how to draw what you see outside and develop the habit of keeping their own nature journal.
Add Science to add marine biology following Apologia's Marine Biology book.
Challenge Age Students:
Add Poetry to give your student more poetry and learn advanced drawing skills.
Add Science to add on Marine Biology.
Add Art & Design: World Religions
Any of our classes are worthy of a fine arts credit.
Add the recommended reading to make the other academic subject worthy of a credit.
Challenge II Directors and parents enjoy Paint Your Way Through Marvelous to Behold
Essentials Parents enjoy the Overview of Essentials before they begin to get a whole overview of the grammar in Essentials.
Challenge IV Parents enjoy Bible Journaling (Consider doing this as a mother-daughter class during your daughter's senior year to give you opportunites for deeper discussion of the theology strand.)
Challenge II
Art History coordinates with Challenge II's Western Cultural History strand. The creator of this class is also the author of Marvelous to Behold, the text used in Challenge II. This class includes all 12 of the artists in Challenge II plus many more such as Picasso, Van Gogh, and Escher. I retell the story of the rise and decline of Western culture that Francis Schaeffer tells in the DVD series the students watch in class. There are 30 lessons in this year-long course. Some students take this class while they are in Challenge I in preparation for Challenge II. Some students take it the year after they have completed Challenge II, and sometimes we have seniors in the class. It is an hour and a half, and usually the students need to plan on spending another hour and a half each week to complete their assignment. Click the class graphic on the right for all the details.
How did an artist raise a scientist?
Nature Journaling is the first step to raising a scientist because this will train them to attend to details. They'll also enjoy learning about plants and animals, seeing God's design in nature and learning to draw. (My oldest son is a chemist and dentist so, I can wholeheartedly say you can raise a scientist through CC- I'd just add nature journaling.)
This is a great introduction to drawing and painting and is great for younger students.
If you're at all interested in Charlotte Mason's style of teaching, you'll love adding this to your curriculum!
Love drawing animals? Draw Your Way Through FABLES is perfect for Foundations-age kids. They hear a fable and learn to draw animals!
If you want to beef up sixth-grade, add Paint Your Way through Latin for 11 and 12 year olds.
Beef up 5th and 6th grades with these art classes. Recommended readings get students interested in reading more, short slide shows show them how art has been involved in history and students learn valuable drawing and painting skills! Each year, the history coordinates with the Foundations Cycle History. In 2024-25, we will do Ancient History and themed fine art lessons.
Challenge A and B
This class makes Latin relatable and enjoyable!
Experienced Challenge mom, Jennifer Whitaker leads makes grammar memorable and leads students through fascinating art projects. Art projects will be inspired by Roman culture and art: mosaics, vase paintings, statues, Ancient Greek frescos, and more!
Drawing, painting, paper mosaics, and Sculpy clay projects will give students a great introduction to art skills.
Paint Your Way Through Science covers meteorology, astronomy, and marine biology, so it goes well with Challenge B's science or Foundations science.
Challenge I and II
Paint Your Way Through Biology follows Apologia biology, which you could do as a preview, alongside, or a review with Challenge II's science strand.
Paint Your Way Through Art History matches up with Western Cultural History. (It can also be done during Challenge III as the philosophy of the artists matches up with the philosophy strand.
Challenge III and IV
Great Books refers to literature from Challenge II, III and IV. The theme alternates with "Great Adventures: Non-Western Art and Religions" 2025-26 school year will be Great books.
Challenge III includes poetry, so you may want to enrich that experience with this advanced drawing class which begins with a short poetry study.
Bible Journaling aligns with the theology covered in Challenge IV.
Don't have time for the full Art History course? Take the sampler class and just do the 12 in Challenge II. Offered live in the summer and as a self-paced video course any time, this 12-part course is a great prep for Challenge II parents and directors and students who want to try some classes before diving into the full year-long course. It covers the 12 artists in Marvelous to Behold, the text used in Challenge II's Western Cultural History strand.
Challenge II directors or artists, if you're interested in teaching the art in person, there is a class for that! After watching the class videos, you'll have the license to show the videos to a group.
Art Retreats
The 2025 retreat will be May 12-15 in NC.
A challenge student retreat can enrich your whole community experience by building relationships with students and sharing an enriching and fun art experience. If you have a group of 7 or more students (ages 12+), I can plan a fantastic private art retreat for your group! If you host a retreat, you get free tuition for your student. (One free student for every 6 students you bring.) Retreats can be one to three-day events. I'll plan art lessons just for your group. Unlike a paint party, I teach the process and let students explore their own creativity, so everyone's art is unique! I can bring tables, chairs, drop cloths, projector and screen, and all the art supplies; you find the students, house (if 2+ days), and a few moms to provide meals. Contact to start planning your retreat!

Parents who are preparing for Essentials and would like an overview of the grammar would enjoy this workshop. It's recorded and available to watch any time.
Getting ready for Directing Challenge II? Take the Self-Paced Paint your way through Marvelous to Behold and create an art timeline for your classroom and gain valuable insight for class conversations.
Interested in teaching an in-person art class: painting and drawing, using the videos? Check out our Facilitator Training!